Demanding Zero Emission in Freight – Now!


The Moving Forward Network is a national network of over 50 member organizations that centers grassroots, frontline-community knowledge, expertise and engagement from communities across the US that bear the negative impacts of the global freight transportation system. MFN builds partnerships between these community leaders, academia, labor, big green organizations and others to protect communities from the impacts of freight. Its diverse membership facilitates an integrated and geographically dispersed advocacy strategy that incorporates organizing, communications, research, legal and technical assistance, leadership development and movement building.

heavy duty truck rule

On October 26th 2021, The Moving Forward Network submitted a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which illustrates the need for EPA to prioritize environmental justice in freight impacted communities by aggressively advancing zero-emission technology and solutions across the freight sector.

On March 28, 2022 the EPA released the Heavy Duty Truck Rule, and called to question if the Biden Administration and the U.S. EPA are listening to the frontline voices, “Are they meeting with us? Do they say they care? Yes. Do their actions demonstrate that? No.”

The video explains why the Biden Administration's Heavy Duty Truck Rule doesn't go far enough, and gives MFN members a chance to respond.

mfn visits the epa

Moving Forward Network brought frontline and fenceline community power to EPA's doorsteps in March 2023. To help show their presence, we designed signs in English and Spanish highlighting their frequently used phrases. A banner displayed the names of the 30K+ people who signed the petition online.

As part of our photoshoot preparation, we created a photoshoot deck for the photographer so that we could get images that the organization could keep for a long time.

social presence

We live-tweeted the event for the organization. Partners from other organizations were able to post quotes and images from the event using a template we made before the event.

In the aftermath of the event, we designed an email to send to the 30K+ people who signed the online petition, as well as members of the organizations.


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